Tuesday 29 May 2012

Life in the 1950s

Use these links to help with your research into life in the 1950s.

Britain in the 1950s Woodlands.

Fashion in the 1950s. 

Teenage life in the 1950s

Life in Britain from 1948

National archives: immigration since 1948

Windrush: stories of immigration in the 1950s

Pop music and popular culture in the 1950s

Newspaper reports from the past

Movies, TV and film in the 1950s

Digital stories from the 1950s (includes homes, transport, cars, and family)

Cars in the 20th Century

Picture library (you will need to search for your topic)

Video clips:
Life in the 1950s

Youth Club in the 1950s

Rationing and fashion in the 1950s

Thursday 24 May 2012

1950s Space Comics

Year 6 had a very arty literacy lesson today. We created 1950s style space comics.

Wednesday 23 May 2012


We investigated electromagnets today in Science. This video clip from 'Bang Goes The Theory' shows how to make an electromagnet.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


In science this week we have been learning about forces and yesterday we completed some mini-investigations about magnets. Here is a game  and here is some information about magnets from the BBC.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sumon- Fun mental maths game

Fancy a break from revision? play this fun maths game, Sumon. Pick numbers that add together to make the target number. Post your high score in the comments.

If you can't get the game to work you might need an adult to help you update your internet browser.