Tuesday 10 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Tuesday

We had a fun-filled day on the Isle of Wight today. The rain held off and we packed in a lot. First we went to Alum Bay where we saw a glass-blowing demonstration, got a great view of the needles and filled some glass sculptures with sand. After lunch, we headed over to Amazon World, where our intrepid adventures endured the humid, tropical conditions to see lots of fascinating creatures. We even got to walk through a Lemur enclosure. Then we had a spell in the adventure playground before we went back to the hotel for a well-earned and delicious roast dinner. Before bed we went down for some more fun on the beach and took the scenic route back before bedtime. We hope you are enjoying the pictures. Please do leave a comment and we will pass it on.


  1. Denise and Ian Green11 July 2012 at 01:19

    Hello Emily

    Hope you are having a fantastic time it looks like you are. Pictures are great of you and everyone on your trip. You have been doing a lot. Enjoy the second half of your week. Looking forward to seeing you Friday I will be up the school to collect you woo hoo. However I am not looking forward to your big bag of dirty washing. Love you lots and lots and lots. Mum, Dad and Rebecca xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. hi its angelina i miss you all but also we're having a good time here see you soon

  3. Jason, Sarah, Minnie and Buddy.11 July 2012 at 11:46

    Hi Mr Crow
    Thank you so much for all of the updates we really look forward to seeing them. Please can you tell Billy, we miss him very much as does Brooke, he looks like he is having a great time. we cannot wait for him to come home and the street is so quiet without Billy, Jamie, Aji, Paddy, Sam, Brandon, Darcie. Please can you tell him we loved his letter so much.

    Many many many thanks to you, Mrs Bryne and Ms Gillet for giving up time with your families to take our children away.It is very much appreicated.

    Billy's mum dad sister and crazy dog Buddy.

  4. It is good to hear you are all having fun and the photos are great. We have been busy here visiting the cinema, bowling and going out to lunch. We have also fitted in making posters for the prom and some Venetian masks. Looking forward to the bad hair day tomorrow.

  5. Hello Year 6

    We are delighted that you are having a wonderful time. It makes a tad bit envious.

    There's been plenty of rain in London today, but I hear you have had rain too.

    Do continue to have a lovely time and we will see you all on Friday.

    Ms Katpitia-Mistry

  6. Sarah, Gary, Abbie & Lucy11 July 2012 at 14:48

    Hi Everyone,

    It looks like everyone is having a great time, we love looking at your pictures and reading the blog, looks like you have been having fun.

    We are all missing Thomas, even Abbie, it is very quiet without him, now know who makes all the noise.

    Hope the weather holds out for you, enjoy yourselves.

    Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

    Sarah, Gary, Abbie & Lucy.

  7. Thankyou Mr crow i hope i will see you every monday because i will be doing dance leason.
