Wednesday 21 March 2012

Easter Poems by 6R


In the gentle spring breeze,
Awaken the bees,
Bee Clip ArtFluttering their wings.
Readying their stings,
Flying from flower to flower,
Collecting pollen with all their power.

As they arrive back,
Carrying their tasty snack,
They begin to make honey,
For the keepers to make money,
As they open the hive,
The bees all swoop and dive.

A nose is stung,
A sign that spring has begun.
by Thomas, 6R

Sun  Rays Clip ArtEaster
Easter has finally come,
As the day draws closer to an end we sit around a table,
So we celebrate Easter with a welcoming of the sun,
Together we tell an Easter fable,
Easter is a time we spend together and a time of fun,
Reading Easter books and celebrating is all that matters.
 by Aminah, 6R

The sky is sunny,
Out hops the Easter bunny,
The daisies are cheerful,
But the birds give me an earful.

Wind Blowing Cloud Clip ArtThe winds are blowing,
Excitement on my face is showing,
No-one could stay inside sewing.

The skies are blue,
Just like my shoe,
I love to look,
For the Easter Egg I took,
From the Easter bunny.

Oh, its Easter,
Its Easter!
Have a good time,
And try to make up a rhyme!
By Darcie, 6R

Chocolate time at Easter Time
Eat it in the bath,
Eat it when you laugh,
Eat it while you draw a graph,
Easter Clip ArtEat it whislt walking up a path.

Because any time is chocolate time!

Eat it on a sunny day!
Eat it on a sandy bay,
Eat it when you play with hay,
Eat it any day in May.

Because any time is chocolate time!

At Easter time we celebrate new life,
Who gave us that new life?
Jesus Christ!
By Lorna

Easter Eggs
Everybody if you love easter eggs,
And all chocolate too,
Stop fussing and just come over here,
Then pick your choice with me and you,
Everybody come from the whole world,
Run over here and eat one too.
Easter Eggs Clip Art 

There are small ones,
Round ones,
And they are very eggcelent too,
There are milk chocolate ones,
Super tasty, super nice eggs for everyone.
By Lillie 6R