Friday 20 July 2012

Prom Night/ Last Day

Year 6 had a lovely celebration at the prom night last night and went around saying their goodbyes and getting their shirts/socks/faces all signed today. There were lots of tears when they sang their goodbye song in the assembly at the end of the day- but the staff have calmed down now. 

A letter detailing how to order the professional photos that were taken on the prom night went out today. You need to go to and go to the client page and scroll down to portraits. It will then ask you for a password. I don't want to post that on here so if you need the password, email the school office ( with your full name and the name of your child.

We will leave the blog up for a year, so you will have plenty of time to peruse and download the photos at your leisure. Good luck and best wishes for the future to both year 6 classes! Do come back and visit us soon!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Year 6 Presentation Evening 2012

We had a lovely celebration of the achievements of our year 6 children last night. 

Here is the video/slideshow presentation that was shown on the night (complete with silly captions).

Here are some pictures from the evening:

Sunday 15 July 2012

Dancing Through The Decades

GREAT SCOTT! The video for Dancing Through The Decades is now available on youtube. Filmed by Miss Gillett from her front-row seat.

It is ONLY available through the above link and embedded below. You will not be able to find it in a search.

Friday 13 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Friday

The week has flown by and we woke up early this morning to make sure we were all packed up and on the coach in time to catch the ferry. We had one last stop at Action Stations in Portsmouth, where the children used their last reserves of energy climbing walls and testing their reflexes on interactive punch-bags. Sneaky Mrs Byrne managed to catch some of the children napping on the coach ride back to Hornchurch, but they all woke up in time to get very excited to see families waiting at the school gates. 

Thankyou to all the children for a fun and memorable week. We are proud of the way they represented the school, behaving well and showing growing independence and responsibility. We hope everyone manages to get some rest ready for an eventful (and emotional) last week of primary school!

Thursday 12 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Thursday

Well... the good weather did not hold out and we did get a little bit drenched today, but we still had fun. In the morning, we saw Carrisbrooke Castle and saw the room where Charles I was kept prisoner after the civil war. We managed to find some shelter for lunch and then headed off to Shanklin Chine where we walked by waterfalls and lush (and damp) vegetation. We then walked back to the hotel along the seafront. At dinner, the hotel owner, Luis, presented the children with awards for best table and tidiest room. Here are the winners:

Best table: Skye, Mahpara, Joanna, Aminah
Tidiest room: Bobby, Jack G and Taylor
Tidiest room (2): Skye and Lorna

Congratulations to those children. During the week children received raffle tickets for keeping their rooms tidy and tonight winning tickets were drawn.

After dinner, we had a lively and competitive quiz night.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Wednesday

This morning we went to see Queen Victoria's favourite church, St Mildreds (re-modeled by her husband, Prince Albert). We saw the tomb where her daughter, Beatrice and son-in-law were buried. After the church, we continued the royal theme with a visit to Queen Victoria's holiday home Osborne House. We had a little bit of rain and heard a few rumbles of thunder, but we were indoors and escaped the worst of it. After Osborne House we went to Robin Hill adventure park. The children really enjoyed the 'Colossus' ship ride and then we explored the park playing in several adventure playgrounds. Mrs Byrne was an expert on the zip-wire!

Thankyou very much for your comments on the blog. Delighted to hear parents are enjoying the photos. We have passed your messages on to the children. I am really pleased that those year 6's who have stayed at Wykeham are having a great time and keeping busy. Looking forward to seeing pics of the 'bad hair day'.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Tuesday

We had a fun-filled day on the Isle of Wight today. The rain held off and we packed in a lot. First we went to Alum Bay where we saw a glass-blowing demonstration, got a great view of the needles and filled some glass sculptures with sand. After lunch, we headed over to Amazon World, where our intrepid adventures endured the humid, tropical conditions to see lots of fascinating creatures. We even got to walk through a Lemur enclosure. Then we had a spell in the adventure playground before we went back to the hotel for a well-earned and delicious roast dinner. Before bed we went down for some more fun on the beach and took the scenic route back before bedtime. We hope you are enjoying the pictures. Please do leave a comment and we will pass it on.

Monday 9 July 2012

Isle of Wight: Monday

We have had a lovely first day of our trip- and the weather has stayed sunny all day! We stopped off at Guildford Cathedral for a rest stop on the way to Southsea. We had lunch and a walk, then went to the D-Day Museum. After the ferry ride, we soon arrived at the hotel and settled into our rooms. After dinner, we walked down to the beach for a bit of fun in the sand. Let's hope this great weather continues tomorrow!

All is quiet now, so goodnight from year 6.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Dancing Through the Decades

Well done to all of year 6 for a fantastic final performance of Dancing Through The Decades. Here are some pictures taken during the rehearsals. 

Underneath the slideshow, I have posted a high resolution picture of the whole of year 6. If any parents would like to request higher resolution versions of any of the other pictures, email your request to

Friday 22 June 2012

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Our coffee morning went really well! Over £200 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Busy, busy, busy...

Year 6 have been rather busy this week. 

Rehearsals are going well for our end of year production. The stage in the hall is up and it is all coming together nicely. Can children please bring in costumes as soon as possible? Thanks for those of you that have already started to bring some stuff in.

The children have also been very busy getting ready for our Coffee morning to raise some money for Macmillan Cancer Support. This will take place this Friday (22nd June) between 9.45 and 10.15am. As you can see below, we have already been hard at work doing some baking, so do come along to support a good cause. 

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Life in the 1950s

Use these links to help with your research into life in the 1950s.

Britain in the 1950s Woodlands.

Fashion in the 1950s. 

Teenage life in the 1950s

Life in Britain from 1948

National archives: immigration since 1948

Windrush: stories of immigration in the 1950s

Pop music and popular culture in the 1950s

Newspaper reports from the past

Movies, TV and film in the 1950s

Digital stories from the 1950s (includes homes, transport, cars, and family)

Cars in the 20th Century

Picture library (you will need to search for your topic)

Video clips:
Life in the 1950s

Youth Club in the 1950s

Rationing and fashion in the 1950s

Thursday 24 May 2012

1950s Space Comics

Year 6 had a very arty literacy lesson today. We created 1950s style space comics.

Wednesday 23 May 2012


We investigated electromagnets today in Science. This video clip from 'Bang Goes The Theory' shows how to make an electromagnet.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


In science this week we have been learning about forces and yesterday we completed some mini-investigations about magnets. Here is a game  and here is some information about magnets from the BBC.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sumon- Fun mental maths game

Fancy a break from revision? play this fun maths game, Sumon. Pick numbers that add together to make the target number. Post your high score in the comments.

If you can't get the game to work you might need an adult to help you update your internet browser.

Sunday 29 April 2012


I just discovered the BrainPop website which is a fun website with some free resources for various curriculum areas. 

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Science Roadshow

Year 6 got some hands-on science experience when the Royal Liberty School put on a science roadshow. We used microscopes, experimented with enzymes and even examined some real organs.

Sunday 22 April 2012

We are game developers

Year 6 are going to be making their own computer games. We will be using the programming tool 'Scratch' to design and program our own games.

This tool is available to download for free to use at home from the Scratch website. You can also have a look at projects that other users have made using the software. This website has lots of video tutorials to help you get started.

Friday 20 April 2012


How does it work?Year 6 had lots of fun making periscopes as part of our science work to do with light and vision.

Monday 16 April 2012

Friday 6 April 2012

Made Up Creature Dioramas

As part of our work in D&T, year 6 children invented their own creatures, using Switcheroo Zoo for inspiration. They then created a 3-D habitat for their creatures and made the creatures using a variety of materials.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Easter performance

A quick reminder about the Easter performance. Times are as follows:

Thursday 29th March, 2pm
Friday 30th March, 9:15am

If you have asked for tickets, programmes will be sent out before the performance. Please bring these along as they are required for entry. 

Places are still available for the Friday performance. Thursday is completely full. If you want tickets for Friday then let your class teacher know (or let us know if you want to change your Thursday booking to Friday).

Year 6 children have been told they need to bring a bright coloured t-shirt to wear for the performance. They still need to wear their uniform to school as usual.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Easter Poems by 6B

The Easter Poem
Easter bunnies are really good
At delivering eggs when they should,
When they come we all cheer
Because we're happy they were here.

Easterbunny Clip ArtI like eggs they're really nice
They're not like curry full of spice,
They're made of chocolate good to eat
I like to have them as a treat.

I love Easter it's a blast
It's a shame it has to go so fast,
There's lots of eggs in my tummy
I even stole some from my mummy!
By Cameron, 6B

Easter Poem
Easter is approaching fast
Christmas is over and in the past,
With chocolate, sweets and even lent,
Bowl Of Easter Eggs Clip Artpresents unwrapped and soon being sent,
All the flowers blossom and bloom,
The Easter bunny will be coming soon,
The little chicks all churping away,
unaware of the role in Easter they play,
Wuth spring here now and Sun coming out,
That is what Easter is all about.
By Olivia, 6B

Easter Eggs
Five brown eggs in a nest of hay,
One yellow chick popped out to play,
Four brown eggs in a nest of hay,
Another yellow chick cheep- cheeped good day,
Eggs Clip ArtThree brown eggs in a nest of hay,
Crack went another one, Hip Hooray,
Two brown eggs in a nest of hay,
Onw more chick pecked his shell away,
The last yellow chick popped out to say,
Happy Easter day.
By Aji, 6B

Easter Fun
Tulips In Bloom Clip ArtEaster is filled with fun and joy,
Lots of candy or maybe toys,
Some eggs are hidden here or there,
Some eggs are hidden any where!
By a tree or maybe a flower,
If you look hard enough you'll find them in a hour.
So I hope your Easter is filled with fun,
Lot's of fun for everyone!
By Nikita

My Easter Poem
Eggs are all arounf you,
You know what that means.
Easter is nearly here,
And so is the lovely scenes.

Watch that Easter bunny,
going round hiding eggs,
There might be one behind athe plant
Easter Eggs Clip Artor evfen behind the pegs.

You wake up in the morning,
And see all of the eggs.
You patiently wait for yours,
While your brother and sister begs.

When you have finished eating,
Mum gently wipes your face.
But you still ask for more,
Because you love the chocolately taste.

Later you start to feel ill,
And you wishyou hadn't ate them all.
Then you sleepily snooze off,
With your head against the wall.

You wake up the next morning,
And wish you could do it again.
Even though you still feel ill,
Chocolate is worth the pain.
By Jessica, 6B

E is for fun since the holidays begun.
A is to appreciate the lovely chocolate that we ate.
S is for Saturday, when Easter is on its way.
T is for time well spent during this lovely event.
E is for an egg (we've had loads) but still beg.
R is for rest we've celebrated and are now truely blessed.
By Feyi, 6B

Easter Poem
Easter time is coming near
Sunshine Clip Arttime for joy and time for cheer.

Easter is a time to have fun and play
I wish it was Easter every day.

Easter makes my  family come
then we all play in the Sun.

Sadly Easter has come to an end
but will come around again.
By Tyler, 6B

Easter Poems by 6R


In the gentle spring breeze,
Awaken the bees,
Bee Clip ArtFluttering their wings.
Readying their stings,
Flying from flower to flower,
Collecting pollen with all their power.

As they arrive back,
Carrying their tasty snack,
They begin to make honey,
For the keepers to make money,
As they open the hive,
The bees all swoop and dive.

A nose is stung,
A sign that spring has begun.
by Thomas, 6R

Sun  Rays Clip ArtEaster
Easter has finally come,
As the day draws closer to an end we sit around a table,
So we celebrate Easter with a welcoming of the sun,
Together we tell an Easter fable,
Easter is a time we spend together and a time of fun,
Reading Easter books and celebrating is all that matters.
 by Aminah, 6R

The sky is sunny,
Out hops the Easter bunny,
The daisies are cheerful,
But the birds give me an earful.

Wind Blowing Cloud Clip ArtThe winds are blowing,
Excitement on my face is showing,
No-one could stay inside sewing.

The skies are blue,
Just like my shoe,
I love to look,
For the Easter Egg I took,
From the Easter bunny.

Oh, its Easter,
Its Easter!
Have a good time,
And try to make up a rhyme!
By Darcie, 6R

Chocolate time at Easter Time
Eat it in the bath,
Eat it when you laugh,
Eat it while you draw a graph,
Easter Clip ArtEat it whislt walking up a path.

Because any time is chocolate time!

Eat it on a sunny day!
Eat it on a sandy bay,
Eat it when you play with hay,
Eat it any day in May.

Because any time is chocolate time!

At Easter time we celebrate new life,
Who gave us that new life?
Jesus Christ!
By Lorna

Easter Eggs
Everybody if you love easter eggs,
And all chocolate too,
Stop fussing and just come over here,
Then pick your choice with me and you,
Everybody come from the whole world,
Run over here and eat one too.
Easter Eggs Clip Art 

There are small ones,
Round ones,
And they are very eggcelent too,
There are milk chocolate ones,
Super tasty, super nice eggs for everyone.
By Lillie 6R

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Easter Songs

Year 6 are learning some songs for the school's Easter celebrations. Here are the links to practise at home:

This Little Light of Mine (6R)

Oh Happy Day (6B)

Saturday 3 March 2012

Decimal Games

We will be doing a bit of work on decimals next week in maths. Have a look at these games to help:

Decimal Games

Also here is a game about percentages:

Tommy's Forest description

Tommy wrote this description of a forest for his English homework last week.

The wind blows through the swaying trees as they hiss their very own song. Animals hide in the undergrowth scared of the wind that to them is a monster. When the wind stops it is almost silent, the trees stay still and the animals come out to play. At night the forest is dark and creepy you can only hear the crows and owls. In sunny weather everyone is happy and the birds are out. The sun creeps through the leaves on the trees making streams of light beam down.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Box appeal and Switcheroozoo

Please send in boxes for an upcoming D&T project. We need boxes about the same size as cereal boxes or shoeboxes. Please send them in as soon as possible. Thanks!

Children in year 6 have requested the link for the Switcheroo Zoo game which we will be using in an upcoming ICT lesson. So here it is!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Leap day!

Tomorrow, Wednesday 29th February, is leap day! Are you trying anything new or taking a risk for leap day? Let us know in the comments below.

-Mr Crow

Monday 27 February 2012

Joanna's Story

Joanna has written this story about a mysterious secret garden. I spotted a wide variety of accurate punctuation and some vivid descriptive language. Well done! Add your comments underneath the story.

The Secret Garden

I woke up to a wonderful morning, the beautiful bluebirds we’re humming a lovely lullaby to their young and the fresh scent of pine trees filled the air with joy and happiness.

It was Saturday and I couldn’t wait to get amazing pancakes. As I crept down the glass staircase I could smell delightful pancakes topped with ripe berries smothered in the delicious maple syrup. I crept further down and as I got to the bottom of the winding stair case I grabbed the shiny polished doorknob and opened the wooden door which led to the kitchen. To my amazement the table was filled with all sorts of food like bacon, waffles, French toast, pancakes and much more.

But sadly this isn’t that story…

Terror grabbed me as my mum screamed ‘WAKE UP!!’ in my ears. ‘You have to go to grandmas house today remember! Now hurry up and get changed!!!’ she explained.
‘O.K.’ I replied.
Then I looked out the window… it was nothing like my wonderful dream. I saw the graffiti on the walls of the local shops, the road was dusty and old and most of the houses we’re filled with top-to-bottom ivy. After that I sadly closed the half broken window and got ready to go to my grandma’s house.

Later that same day, my grandma asked ‘do you want some snacks dear?’
‘No grandma, but thanks for asking.’ I replied.
‘Why are you in a glum mood?’ she asked politely.
‘It’s just that nothing seems to go the way that I want it too.’ I explained.
‘Well why don’t you go to the garden it will take your mind off it.’ Grandma advised with a secretive smile on her wrinkled face.

            So I took my grandma’s wise advice and went to explore the backyard. The garden was gorgeous when I last saw it; there was spring all over the garden, and bright sunflowers reached towards the sky. But now it is an overgrowth waste land, there is no more beautiful bright red roses nor did it flourish any more because all the lush green grass has disappeared in its weeds. All that is left is a dusty old garden coated in spider webs which crawl on top of the overgrowth.

            I explored further down the garden. I tripped over a music box which my mum bought me for my seventh birthday; I loved that music box with all my heart. As I fell into the thorns of the overgrowth I bumped into a small wooden door, to my curiosity I tried to open it but it was locked. I looked around and, at the corner of my eyes, I saw a small key that fell out of my music box, it gleamed in the sunlight. I grabbed the key hoping it will fit the lock, and it did!

            I opened the door and saw a marvellous place and thought, what will I find in this place of enchantment? Dreams do come true…

Friday 24 February 2012

Lorna's Story

Lorna has completed her short story about an exciting day out at Thorpe Park.

The Thorpe Adventure

Sophie was up early that sunny Saturday morning because her dad ,whose name is Mark , promised to take her and her friend ,who is called Francesca , (but Sophie calls her Franners )to Thorpe park for her birthday. Sophie picked Francesca up at about 8:30 because of the traffic gets really bad when’s it’s not a school day !!!!!! The journey was long and stressful however it was worth it.

They arrived at Thorpe park at 11:30 because it takes about 3 hours to get there especially with the traffic and everything else. The first  ride they went on was the Denominator  which goes 100 mph. After the ride they looked at the pictures and their faces were all scrunched up. They bought the pictures so they could show Mark, who laughed his head off at the sight of them .Next they went on the water rapids .They got a little wet and headaches because they kept bumping the sides of the ride .They came off laughing and spinning. “I’m going to be sick,” shouted Francesca
“Me too,” burped Sophie.
Then they went on the banana swing which was a bit babyish .However it was kind of fun. Next they watched their dad  go on Rita (its one of the fastest in the world). Sophie and Francesca laughed their heads off when they saw Mark’s face. When they walked to the next ride they bumped into a couple of friends. Sophie asked if they wanted to walk with them. They went on Tidal wave before they left for lunch. They got soaked by the way.

“What have you got for lunched?” asked Sophie with a puzzled tone.
“I have peanut butter  and strawberry jam .I love it“  replies Francesca licking her lips.
“Cool I have ham ,cheese and pickle !”coughs Sophie.
After lunch they went back to the park. They went with their friends on these giant swings and when you looked at them they looked as if they were laying. Because Mark never went on that ride he watched them.
“Cor ,all you girls did was scream along with some other people ,“Says Mark.
“We know “replies Sophie and Francesca at the same time. Next Sophie and Francesca went on the Runaway Train which went round and round in circles while Mark went on the newest ride Saw !!!! Mark loved that ride so much that he went on it five times ,but he did get a thumping headache as well. After that they went on the log flume, and the slide on that was really fun .

The last ride they went on was a  new ride that  had only been there a couple of weeks .It was called The Tererfermanator but when they went on it everyone screamed like mad .But when they got off they just laughed. The siren went off so that meant that they had to leave.
On the way home they got McDonalds for their dinner and fell asleep.

Kamaria's story

Kamaria has submitted a story to our blog! I am so pleased that lots of children in year 6 want to share their work with the world.

Mum left
There once was a girl call Kelly she was a fun loving girl she would never be horrible.untill on day she walked in to the house and she saw her mum packing “mum what you doing if you’re doing a runner again because I’m am staying here with molly” cried Kelly.

 “Just get your bag a pack whatever you can find. Don’t tell me no never tell me no” shouted Kelly’s mum with no time to spare Kelly grabbed her bag and stuffed a load of any old cloths in there “what if dad comes home we have to go away with him!” Kelly cried ‘I have already forgot him why do you thing were going without him you’re going to miss him but you’re going to like the plane were in first class you’re going to love it’ mum calming down says Kelly carried on pacing without saying a word  hopping that her dad would come walking through the door Kelly walked down to the end of the stairs saying (come home daddy she’s  doing a runner help me help me dad) with a tear running down her face.

 “I am only ten someone help me” Kelly sobbed “hurry up were going” shouted Kelly’s mum. Just then the door handle stared to jiggle “oh my gosh. Dad here mum put your bag under my bed” Kelly shouted Kelly to her mum So they both put their bags under Kelly’s bed and went down stairs honey I’m home. “umm”rudly sad Kelly’s mum “no need to be rude mum” said Kelly. I’m going toilet and getting my bag mum” grinned “oh my gosh look at the time me and Kelly need to get to the airport to get john my big brother”. 

The cab turned up to Kelly’s house “to Gatwick airport please we need to get to the 11:00pm plane we can’t miss. If the men inside tell him were going to get my brother” cried Kelly’s mum when they got to the airport they got to the airport they saw some perfume. “How about that perfume asked mum “I don’t want to talk to you I hate you” shouted Kelly “well we need to be getting to America now do u want call dad and tell daddy were we are”. Kelly had a big tear I’m her eyes “oh oh ok”cried Kelly. Kelly got out her phone and called her dad “h-h-h-hi daddy um me and mummy are not getting mums brother she’s doing a runner help please are plane leaves in 5 minutes please there’s no traffic on the roads. You need to talk to her” sobbed Kelly. Without saying a word Kelly’s dad hung up.

3 minutes later Kelly dad came rushing up to her Kelly were is mum” crossly said dad “over there in MacDonald go easy on her” Kelly told her father. Kelly farther stormed up to Kelly mum who do you think you are tacking my little girl to America for life  well it isn’t my Kelly for sure from that day on Kelly had to go to live in America with her mum and only saw her dad 10 days a month.

                                           The end
by Kamaria

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Jessica's story

Jessica sent in this intriguing story about a strange dinner plate... Email your story into the blog (

Peggy and Louise were walking home from school when they saw there friend Rachel. She was holding a patterned plate."Hi Peggy did you have a nice day at school?" Rachel asked. 

"Yes thank you Rachel" Peggy replied. 

Rachel just started to move again when Peggy asked."What’s that plate you have got in your hand?"

"Oh nothing mum and dad asked me to chuck it out”, she replied, "oh seen as your chucking it out I guess you don’t mind if I have it?"

Louise asked Rachel looked really serious and immediately
said "NO!” The two girls jumped back in a fright."Sorry I just don’t want anyone to have it and it’s all dirty and rusty anyway”, Rachel said. So Rachel started walking again. 

About five seconds later Louise shouted to Rachel, "I could wash it."

“NO IT CAN’T BE WASHED!" Rachel shouted. So she carried on walking ignoring every word the two girls said to her. Louise and Peggy looked at each other suspiciously.


The next day, Louise went to put her rubbish in the rubbish bin when she saw the plate. So she took it and ran home. When she got home she ran upstairs and chucked it under her bed.

It was 9.00pm and Louise was asleep, so was everyone else in the house, then suddenly there was something moving on the floor it was round, it was patterned, it was the plate. It got up and started moving, running and jumping everywhere. At about 10.00pm the whole room was trashed and the plate was just lying on the floor. When Louise’s mum woke up at 8.00am and then she went to wake
Louise up she screamed. Louise woke up immediately and rubbing her tired pale blue eyes tiredly said "what?"

"Louise look at the state of this room get up and tidy it"

"WHAT I DIDN’T DO THIS SOMEONE HAS BEEN IN MY ROOM". Then she saw the plate was in exactly the same place when absolutely everything else in the room had been moved.

After the discovery that her room had been destroyed she quickly got dressed, put the plate in her bag and ran over to Rachel’s house.

Knock knock knock

Rachel’s mum answered the door and called for Rachel. Rachel came down and let me in. I asked her about the plate and she was furious.


"Well you were acting really suspicious so I thought I would try to find out what was going on."
Louise explained

"Look listen whatever you do don’t keep that plate!" she said

"What should I do with it then?"

“Have you got it on you?” Rachel asked.louise nodded

"Smash it on that chair” Rachel said so I grabbed it out of my bag and hit it on the chair. It smashed."YES"

"Wait what’s going to happen now?" I asked

"Nothing that plate is dead" she replied.


"WELL YEAH BUT DONT WORRY “Rachel said "look come to the cafe with me and I’ll tell you all about
it with a can of coke.”

“Okay” Louise agreed.