Friday 24 February 2012

Lorna's Story

Lorna has completed her short story about an exciting day out at Thorpe Park.

The Thorpe Adventure

Sophie was up early that sunny Saturday morning because her dad ,whose name is Mark , promised to take her and her friend ,who is called Francesca , (but Sophie calls her Franners )to Thorpe park for her birthday. Sophie picked Francesca up at about 8:30 because of the traffic gets really bad when’s it’s not a school day !!!!!! The journey was long and stressful however it was worth it.

They arrived at Thorpe park at 11:30 because it takes about 3 hours to get there especially with the traffic and everything else. The first  ride they went on was the Denominator  which goes 100 mph. After the ride they looked at the pictures and their faces were all scrunched up. They bought the pictures so they could show Mark, who laughed his head off at the sight of them .Next they went on the water rapids .They got a little wet and headaches because they kept bumping the sides of the ride .They came off laughing and spinning. “I’m going to be sick,” shouted Francesca
“Me too,” burped Sophie.
Then they went on the banana swing which was a bit babyish .However it was kind of fun. Next they watched their dad  go on Rita (its one of the fastest in the world). Sophie and Francesca laughed their heads off when they saw Mark’s face. When they walked to the next ride they bumped into a couple of friends. Sophie asked if they wanted to walk with them. They went on Tidal wave before they left for lunch. They got soaked by the way.

“What have you got for lunched?” asked Sophie with a puzzled tone.
“I have peanut butter  and strawberry jam .I love it“  replies Francesca licking her lips.
“Cool I have ham ,cheese and pickle !”coughs Sophie.
After lunch they went back to the park. They went with their friends on these giant swings and when you looked at them they looked as if they were laying. Because Mark never went on that ride he watched them.
“Cor ,all you girls did was scream along with some other people ,“Says Mark.
“We know “replies Sophie and Francesca at the same time. Next Sophie and Francesca went on the Runaway Train which went round and round in circles while Mark went on the newest ride Saw !!!! Mark loved that ride so much that he went on it five times ,but he did get a thumping headache as well. After that they went on the log flume, and the slide on that was really fun .

The last ride they went on was a  new ride that  had only been there a couple of weeks .It was called The Tererfermanator but when they went on it everyone screamed like mad .But when they got off they just laughed. The siren went off so that meant that they had to leave.
On the way home they got McDonalds for their dinner and fell asleep.

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