Sunday 12 February 2012

Skye's Story

Skye has written a moving short story, which she entered into the BBC 500 words story competition to try and win a huge pile of books for herself and for the school. Good luck Skye!:

It was once a snowy day and I woke up shivering as normal because my mum sadly died a few years ago because in 1979 my mum had a pain in her stomach and had to be rushed to hospital. A few months later they found out that she had cancer she did not tell anyone. One year later we started to notice she was losing her hair we asked her what was happening she started to explain what had happened we all started to cry. The next day we all went to school my mum had to take me as my dad was at work and I was not allowed to walk on my own as I was in year 1 all my friends started to laugh at my mum I was very upset . Later that day my friends, who was called Riley and Ellie, started to tease me I could not help it but I told them about what happened to my mum and they felt very guilty. My dad had to pick me up early I started to wonder why he was home from work so early and why he had to pick me up so early from school I said to my dad why are you picking me up at 2.15 when you have to pick me up at 3.15 there was no answer  I looked at my dad he had tears in his eyes I know something was wrong then I noticed we was on the way to the hospital  I was scared …

We finally got there it was my mum she had a stroke I wanted to see her sadly I couldn’t as she was having an operation my dad went to see her I had to stay with a kind nurse ,who was very pretty , I started to cry she calmed  me down by playing a good game while I was there I made a friend her name was Ruby she had broken her elbow finally I saw my dad he told me some bad news my mum had sadly died …

I cried all day and cried all night . A few days later we had to sort out the funeral I asked my dad if I could get some flowers that said MUM my dad said ok however the whole funeral all came to £2000 this was a lot of money although me and my dad wanted the best for my mum. It was the day of the funeral I wore my pretty black dress that my mum bought me for my birthday. Loads of people were there, the funeral started we all had to stand up as it started we all started to cry I said a speech and everyone loved it the day went very quick. Once I got home I was looking at a photo album as my mum growing up. Seven year later and I still miss my mum - I love her.            

 By Skye 

If you have written a story for the competition and want to share it with the world on our blog send it in to

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