Wednesday 8 February 2012

Message from Ms Katpitia-Mistry

Year 6 are busy working hard at their Maths and English and it is so heartening to see so many of our pupils enjoying and achieving at school.

Maths can be such a fun subject and, in fact, is all around us in the natural world. The attached booklet has been specially put together to help our year 6 pupils to prepare for their SATs.  Hopefully, it has all the tricks and flicks and short cuts to the knowledge that they need to prepare them well not only for their SATs, but also for the challenges that await them at their secondary school.

I am sure that our pupils will continue to blossom and thrive as the year progresses.

Well done, Year 6, for being such a credit to your parents and to the schoool.

Ms Katpitia-Mistry

Click here to download the Maths Revision Guide.

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