Wednesday 22 February 2012

Cheyenne's Story

Cheyenne emailed this story ( into our blog and entered it into the BBC competition. I spotted some great vocabulary... keep up the good work.

My sleepy day

The dream started at school…

 It was a boring Monday morning when I fell asleep in my maths class. The next thing I knew I wasn’t setting in my seat I was in Wonderland. As I stood up rubbing my head I realised I had a massive bump I must have fallen down. I rotated round to my left and met a talking rabbit. He pulled out his pocket watch a saw the time, in a panic he shouted
“We’re gonna be late we’re gonna be late”,
“Who are you and what are you talking about”,
I replied,
“My name is Marjet and we are going to meet the Madhatter that is why we are going to be late!!”,
I followed Marjet to the Madhatter he asked me to sit down. All a sudden the Madhatter screamed
“Quickly drink this and pop into this teacup”,
“Err well okay”,

I drank the drink and popped into the teapot I was terrified. I was holding on to the teapot all a sudden I fell.

Finally I was back in class but just before I woke up I felt a tap on my shoulders it was my maths teacher she shouted
“Cheyenne wake up. How dare you fall asleep in my class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”,
“Oh well it don’t matter gosh I fell asleep big deal”,
I rudely replied with an attitude,
“Cheyenne that is it I have had enough go straight to the head teacher NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
So that was what I did I spent most of the day in detention but let’s face it I didn’t have to do science.

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