Friday 24 February 2012

Kamaria's story

Kamaria has submitted a story to our blog! I am so pleased that lots of children in year 6 want to share their work with the world.

Mum left
There once was a girl call Kelly she was a fun loving girl she would never be horrible.untill on day she walked in to the house and she saw her mum packing “mum what you doing if you’re doing a runner again because I’m am staying here with molly” cried Kelly.

 “Just get your bag a pack whatever you can find. Don’t tell me no never tell me no” shouted Kelly’s mum with no time to spare Kelly grabbed her bag and stuffed a load of any old cloths in there “what if dad comes home we have to go away with him!” Kelly cried ‘I have already forgot him why do you thing were going without him you’re going to miss him but you’re going to like the plane were in first class you’re going to love it’ mum calming down says Kelly carried on pacing without saying a word  hopping that her dad would come walking through the door Kelly walked down to the end of the stairs saying (come home daddy she’s  doing a runner help me help me dad) with a tear running down her face.

 “I am only ten someone help me” Kelly sobbed “hurry up were going” shouted Kelly’s mum. Just then the door handle stared to jiggle “oh my gosh. Dad here mum put your bag under my bed” Kelly shouted Kelly to her mum So they both put their bags under Kelly’s bed and went down stairs honey I’m home. “umm”rudly sad Kelly’s mum “no need to be rude mum” said Kelly. I’m going toilet and getting my bag mum” grinned “oh my gosh look at the time me and Kelly need to get to the airport to get john my big brother”. 

The cab turned up to Kelly’s house “to Gatwick airport please we need to get to the 11:00pm plane we can’t miss. If the men inside tell him were going to get my brother” cried Kelly’s mum when they got to the airport they got to the airport they saw some perfume. “How about that perfume asked mum “I don’t want to talk to you I hate you” shouted Kelly “well we need to be getting to America now do u want call dad and tell daddy were we are”. Kelly had a big tear I’m her eyes “oh oh ok”cried Kelly. Kelly got out her phone and called her dad “h-h-h-hi daddy um me and mummy are not getting mums brother she’s doing a runner help please are plane leaves in 5 minutes please there’s no traffic on the roads. You need to talk to her” sobbed Kelly. Without saying a word Kelly’s dad hung up.

3 minutes later Kelly dad came rushing up to her Kelly were is mum” crossly said dad “over there in MacDonald go easy on her” Kelly told her father. Kelly farther stormed up to Kelly mum who do you think you are tacking my little girl to America for life  well it isn’t my Kelly for sure from that day on Kelly had to go to live in America with her mum and only saw her dad 10 days a month.

                                           The end
by Kamaria


  1. my story had a little miss spelling so i might just do a naver one with right spellngs

  2. there are a lot of mistakes and punctuation accidents but overall a very good plot and ending

    : )
