Wednesday 22 February 2012

Jessica's story

Jessica sent in this intriguing story about a strange dinner plate... Email your story into the blog (

Peggy and Louise were walking home from school when they saw there friend Rachel. She was holding a patterned plate."Hi Peggy did you have a nice day at school?" Rachel asked. 

"Yes thank you Rachel" Peggy replied. 

Rachel just started to move again when Peggy asked."What’s that plate you have got in your hand?"

"Oh nothing mum and dad asked me to chuck it out”, she replied, "oh seen as your chucking it out I guess you don’t mind if I have it?"

Louise asked Rachel looked really serious and immediately
said "NO!” The two girls jumped back in a fright."Sorry I just don’t want anyone to have it and it’s all dirty and rusty anyway”, Rachel said. So Rachel started walking again. 

About five seconds later Louise shouted to Rachel, "I could wash it."

“NO IT CAN’T BE WASHED!" Rachel shouted. So she carried on walking ignoring every word the two girls said to her. Louise and Peggy looked at each other suspiciously.


The next day, Louise went to put her rubbish in the rubbish bin when she saw the plate. So she took it and ran home. When she got home she ran upstairs and chucked it under her bed.

It was 9.00pm and Louise was asleep, so was everyone else in the house, then suddenly there was something moving on the floor it was round, it was patterned, it was the plate. It got up and started moving, running and jumping everywhere. At about 10.00pm the whole room was trashed and the plate was just lying on the floor. When Louise’s mum woke up at 8.00am and then she went to wake
Louise up she screamed. Louise woke up immediately and rubbing her tired pale blue eyes tiredly said "what?"

"Louise look at the state of this room get up and tidy it"

"WHAT I DIDN’T DO THIS SOMEONE HAS BEEN IN MY ROOM". Then she saw the plate was in exactly the same place when absolutely everything else in the room had been moved.

After the discovery that her room had been destroyed she quickly got dressed, put the plate in her bag and ran over to Rachel’s house.

Knock knock knock

Rachel’s mum answered the door and called for Rachel. Rachel came down and let me in. I asked her about the plate and she was furious.


"Well you were acting really suspicious so I thought I would try to find out what was going on."
Louise explained

"Look listen whatever you do don’t keep that plate!" she said

"What should I do with it then?"

“Have you got it on you?” Rachel asked.louise nodded

"Smash it on that chair” Rachel said so I grabbed it out of my bag and hit it on the chair. It smashed."YES"

"Wait what’s going to happen now?" I asked

"Nothing that plate is dead" she replied.


"WELL YEAH BUT DONT WORRY “Rachel said "look come to the cafe with me and I’ll tell you all about
it with a can of coke.”

“Okay” Louise agreed.

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